It has been fourteen months since the military coup on February 1, 2021, and the people in Myanmar have been struggling in all aspects of life. Politically, they have lost their freedom and dreams. Economically, they are mostly affected by economic sanctions to the extent that many are deprived of basic human needs. Their only recourse has been the humanitarian aid they receive through the United Nations agencies or other charitable organizations.
The Catholic charities and relief services have been providing some help as much as they can due to the access constraints set by the regime. Although the needs in Myanmar are not nationally known and have never been responded to by the local churches around the United States the way they did for the people in Ukraine, Burmese American Catholics and the people of goodwill have been helping the dioceses and the people in conflict-ravaged regions of Myanmar with their limited resources.
A group of La Salette Religious in Myanmar
The Burmese American Catholics formed a committee called the “Peace and Justice Committee for Myanmar” to help those who joined the Civil Disobedience Movement. The committee first focused on the Catholic faithful who lost their jobs and grieving families.
A few months later, they also reached out to non-Catholics who struggled just to survive every day. Some of us Myanmar La Salettes lost their loved ones and friends to the COVID-19, while others lost them to the violence during and after the coup.
We cannot but say how much their Myanmar La Salettes have been affected by the situation in our beloved Myanmar. Even those stationed abroad and those who can get out of Myanmar to minister in the La Salette missions in France, Tanzania, and the United States of America are ministering with great concern for our loved ones living in Myanmar.
Fr. Patrick Kyaw Lin, M.S., who is at the La Salette Shrine in France, lost his father to COVID-19 after the coup, and his family and relatives are affected by the ongoing violence. In their native state, La Salette Frs. Nicodemus Aung Than Aye, Valentine Sun Tun, and Patrick Kyaw Lin, have been experiencing constant fights between the military forces and the People Defense Forces (PDF). We can only pray for peace and freedom to return soon to Myanmar.
When and how will we, at last, be able to give the power to the powerless and the voice to the voiceless? Unless we do our part, nothing good will happen to us, let alone to the forgotten of society. We make known to all what we stand for – freedom, justice, and peace. The forgotten of humanity will never have a chance to make what they stand for known to others, particularly to the world's rulers.
Fr. Saw Anthony Maung, M.S., in our new La Salette mission in TanzaniaBy the grace of God, Fr. Saw Anthony Maung, M.S., was able to get out of our country to join our Filipino and Indian La Salettes as they minister in the missions of Tanzania. Fr. Bernard Taylor, M.S., is now ministering in the Philippines. We are so grateful to the Province of Mary, Mother of Hope, the Philippines, for inviting and accommodating him.
We have two members coming to the United States for the missions. Fr. David Kyaw Kyaw Lwin, M.S., will be working with the La Salettes of the Province of Mary, Mother of the Americas. He will be ministering in Jasper, Texas. Fr. Philip Makha Naw Aung, M.S., will be working with our Filipino counterparts in the Diocese of San Bernardino, California.
I am confident that they will be able to share first-hand experiences of the coup and the daily struggles of the people of Myanmar – shortage of basic needs, limited access to electricity, gasoline, medical supplies, and other necessities. We continually thank the General Administration, the French province, and the North American Province for allowing Myanmar La Salettes to work with brother La Salettes worldwide and serve God’s people in their provinces and missions.
Fr. Nicodemus Aung Than Aye, M.S., just returned to his home Diocese of Loikaw from the Archdiocese of Taunggyi, where he helped in ministries for a few months. Since his return, he has composed liturgical music for the Myanmar local church and taught children catechism and English in collaboration with parish priests and religious sisters.
Since schools were shut down since the coup, parish centers and churches are the only shelters and recourse for children and their families. Fr. Nicodemus will be teaching a course on “Basic Pastoral Counselling” to fourth-year seminarians at the Major Seminary in the Archdiocese of Taunggyi.
Young demonstrators in Myanmar carrying placards with several hashtag slogans (Respect Our Votes); photo: သူထွန်းOther members of Myanmar Region States are safe and healthy as they continue to serve the communities they are assigned to and journey with the suffering people of Myanmar. We can only pray that freedom will dawn in Myanmar sooner than the people expect it because innocent people have suffered a lot. There is no more significant pain and agony than those caused by dictators and tyrants who only think of their interests and welfare.
The prime suspects of socio-economic and political disasters are always mentally ill, psychologically deranged, and morally paralyzed tyrants and dictators. Their inaction for the benefit of good people and their violent actions toward many affect every aspect of life. The blatant atrocities they commit against the innocent everywhere in every age are simply inhuman.
Many innocent people have lost their livelihood and the lives of some of their loved ones. Unfortunately, many others have also lost their own lives during the fight for justice and freedom. We thank all the La Salettes, lay collaborators, friends, and parishioners for their continuing support and prayers for the La Salettes and the suffering people of Myanmar.
Fr. Robert Salai Zaw Lwin, M.S., a native of Myanmar, presently serving in Marietta, Georgia, author of “A La Salette Spirituality of Reconciliation for Daily Living,” available on