A rather new word has been coined and now used to describe an old reality; synodality is now being used to name a process or way of thinking of Church today. We are perhaps more familiar with the word synod – a gathering (most often used for a gathering of bishops) to listen to each other on a topic or topics.
Pope Francis has opened the concept to the whole church and declared a “Synod on Synodality” to be held in 2023. In his opening address in October to the synod of bishops on this topic he has instructed them and the church to use this idea of listening in all dioceses throughout the whole church. He has emphasized that this listening is to be a part of every process in the dioceses and that it is to be as comprehensive as possible, that is, including everyone – especially those who have often been neglected: minorities, indigenous people, women, the poor. Many dioceses have already organized listening sessions on issues and the future of the church in their dioceses.
Pope Francis greets his peopleIn this address to the bishops he put particular emphasis on three aspects: communion or unity, participation, and mission. This communion (or unity) he calls “the very nature of the Church.” It is the basis of the Body of Christ and follows not only Jesus’ teaching but his example of including everyone, especially the neglected and those in need. He also points out that in the Church, Baptism is our “identity card,” that is, all are equal and called by Baptism to be part of the body.
He notes that, while participation in the mission of Christ in the Church has widened with the recognition of the ministry and value of many, it is most often occasional but that it must be “structural” at the basis of everything we do.
This call to participation and listening is to all the baptized, but it should resonate especially to those dedicated to the message of La Salette. At the heart of Mary’s message was the call to unity, to reconciliation not only with God but also with one another. Further, the message or call to healing differences and conflict is to be made known “to all my people.”
To achieve the unity to which Christ calls us and that mission of Mary to make her message know to all her people and Pope Francis’ re-emphasis will need at its core a spirit of Reconciliation. There are many divisions and differences among the “people of God.” Only as these are healed will we be able to respond to the call to true synodality, walking and listening together.
I believe that La Salettes – including religious, laity, and especially Associates –have a special call to keep alive the charism of Reconciliation, and a special place in the process of synodality. We are called to heal differences, listen and participate in the mission of Christ in whatever way we can, always bringing our dedication and awareness of reconciliation to others. (For more information, search online under Synodality).Mary said: “Make this known to all my people”