Sr. Marie-Victoire Rasoamanarivo, SNDS, speaks at their Chapter |
The group of La Salette Lay Associates
(AASASNDS) who assist the La Salette Sisters in France was begun from a group of their friends in 2001. After Sister Marie Victoire’s election to her first term as Superior General in 1998, she realized the importance and necessity of the task of seeking out their lay friends to help, especially in the area of business management. So she appealed to them and the various friends of the other La Salette Sisters throughout France. The laity responded well to her appeal. After their first meeting in 2000, it was decided to form an association. This was created in February of 2001, the date on which they officially filed official recognition at the Prefecture of Grenoble.
Unlike associations or groups of lay people who were already friendly with certain nearby groups of La Salette Sisters, the members of this larger group come from different backgrounds, not only geographically but spiritually as well. It is primarily their ties of friendship and support with these Sisters which motivated them to offer their help in any way they could.
Shrine of Notre Dame de L’Hermitage in Noiretable, France |
According to Article 2 of their constitution, the association aims: “to support projects and promote the development activities of the Sisters of Our Lady of La Salette, through donations material, as well as through financial and volunteer work in a spirit of reconciliation and to serve the poor.”
The laity then realized that they had much to learn concerning the La Salette Sisters throughout the world – their missions, their spirituality and their very special apostolates – because they initially knew only the Sisters in their local area.
Journey with the Sisters:
They soon realized in how many different ways they could help the Sisters. One of the most important was that of helping them manage their houses around the world. But they also needed help in the formation of their younger Sisters, in the area of communications, as well as with guidance in special projects and even with day-to-day computer problems.
Sister with benefactors of the Shrine of Notre Dame de L’Hermitage |
And the laity also needed training to get to know the Sisters better and be understood ourselves! Therefore the Sisters invited us for a weekend of reflection in November, 2003, at the Shrine of Notre Dame de l’Hermitage at Noiretable. It was a powerful event, held just before their 2004 Chapter. It gave everyone time together to get to know each other better and better understand the international dimension of
the Sisters’ Congregation.
In 2004, the laity from various countries were invited for the first time to participate in their General Chapter in the Philippines. Their association was represented by Nouchet Richer and Patou Zaessinger. On this occasion, a charter of collaboration was developed between their Lay Association and the La Salette Sisters.
Meeting of Laity and Sisters on Holy Mountain of La Salette in October of 2011 |
Their Lay Association has grown gradually with the help of the Sisters, little by little getting to know each other and developing the structure of the Lay Associates. Today they number just over a hundred members.
A few special events shared with the La Salette Sisters:
1) Our general meetings at La Salette in France or in other communities
2) Participation in celebrations of religious profession
3) The gathering at La Salette in France for the 160th Anniversary of the Apparition in September, 2006, where we received powerful testimonies on how we all lived the charism of Reconciliation. We developed this special event: "Moving Forward Together.”
4) The retreat in October, 2008 at the Shrine of Notre Dame de l’Hermitage, led by Bishop Mouïsse, Bishop of Périgueux and Sarlat.
5) The General Chapter of 2010 with a full week to work together and the exchange between Sisters and laity at Cheylard from April 18-25.
6) Meeting with the Sisters at La Salette in October 2011
Group photo at Holy Mountain of La Salette in October of 2011 |
All these moments have allowed them to get to know the Sisters better – to better understand their missions throughout the world, and to share better their La Salette spirituality, to immerse ourselves, but also to learn more about each other. This opportunity to spend some time with the Sisters has transforms the lives of the laity and helped them discover new facets of their commitment as lay people – in community, service, and sharing.
Organization of the Association:
We implemented within our board various commissions:
A) Commission training:
This commission is intended primarily to help the Sisters arriving in France from another country to become informed, adjust to and know more about French culture, and also how this effects the ministry in which they are involved.
Sisters at their house in St. Désert |
Through the association, young sisters, novices and postulants residing in France, were received by local families in order to enable them to better discover and become familiar with the mentality and life of French culture. It was also beneficial for the host families to learn and share with young La Salette Sisters who are from Madagascar, Angola, the Philippines, and Burma.
B) Commission Communication:
The commission is primarily intended to make known the association and of course the Sisters, and a presence as much as possible at various meetings, celebrations, events with them (on the occasion of religious professions for example, when they will take place in France on the occasion of our general meetings, open houses as St. Désert, etc.)
We put together a brochure to explain the association and sell postcards, t-shirts with the logo of the association, music CDs made by Sister Elizabeth, waiting to expand our vision. We also made posters to speak about the
Sr. Elizabeth (left), present Superior General, with Sr. Marie-Victoire, past Superior General |
Sisters, their missions, our association, as well as slide shows. Little by little, we are getting better.
C) Commission activities:
It aims to encourage and promote activities, events, to raise awareness of the work of the Sisters, and raise some funds to help them. Examples of these are:
1) a concert was organized in 2003 at La Salette, with the participation of the Chorale Melody of Meli-Cheylard, to help finance the novitiate house in Angola, and in 2004 a raffle for engaged to assist in the formation of the Sisters.
2) In 2005 concerts were held at La Salette, Saint Desert, the Hermitage with a group of young singers of Tourcoing.
3) At the initiative of Marie Arnaud, head of the commission business, we launched an operation in 2006 "Sponsorship Madagascar" to support the enrollment of children from poor families in schools run by the Sisters of La Salette.
Marie Arnaud has been a driving force of our association. She came forth at the very beginning, sharing her enthusiasm and passion in everything she undertook. She left us prematurely, died in March 2009, but her work in 2009 continues to bear fruit
Senior sisters at motherhouse at Gières |
through a sponsorship program at a local hospital which assists disabled children.
1) Crafts Commission:
This commission relies on volunteers to help the Sisters in various jobs or activities. In Grenoble and Gières, under the supervision of Raymond Mollaret, these volunteers help the Sisters open their new “Notre Dame” home on September 20, 2006 (paintings, tapestries, room facilities, etc.), and helped in various ways in the motherhouse at Gières, which houses their older sisters.
Sharing and Prayer Commission:
This commission's purpose is to build relationships through prayer and sharing among members of the association and with the Sisters.
Under the supervision of Alain Cois, the commission issued a newsletter for several years – "Méditons (Let Us Meditate)" – containing various educational and spiritual development topics and offers reflections on the news of the Church or events of the liturgical year.
Younger sisters at motherhouse at Gières |
The Committee also provides a way of exchanging and sharing, where it can list their prayer intentions (Alain Cois invites us to pray for particular intentions every day of the week), and indicating their requests, thoughts, questions on topics that they would like to pursue.
Support to the Sisters and Communities:
We assist in:
• Assistance for establishment of new communities (houses)
• Time assistance during meetings or events
• Help with the acquisition of computer equipment
• Logistical support and advice based on our expertise
In 2003, we supported a project led by young members of an association in Grenoble with the participation of Sister Sophie at Ambararatabé in construction of a playground and construction of a well in Madagascar.
During 2006-2007, our association helped with sponsoring the project of a young school teacher who spent a year in Madagascar teaching French in one of their La Salette schools.
Sisters singing at Mass in chapel at Shrine in Noiretable |
Helping with real estate projects:
They were also asked to accompany the Sisters, advising them on how to manage their buildings. They have been involved in groups that manage their buildings, including those in Grenoble, Gières and St. Désert.
Where do we go from here?
They share that: “The sisters called us because they needed us. We realize how much we need them also. We see this as part of the ministry of the Church, helping each other to accomplish a common mission that has been given to us by Mary at La Salette: ‘Make this message known to all my people.’ We are amazed at how dedicated these Sisters are in their ministry, serving the poor and needy in all countries, including here in France!”
What they do and who they are, speak to us naturally of God. They are a reflection of God's presence among us. Our journey with the Sisters of La Salette is our source of fulfillment, spiritual and human enrichment, and allows us an open ourselves to other ways of looking at our own lives. We are invited by them, and with them to encounter Christ as we walk together with Mary on the path of reconciliation. As Mary invited: "Come near, my children, do not afraid."
Administration Council of AASASNDS and a few La Salette Sisters meet on Holy Mountain
In the Chapter of 2010, in their decisions, the Sisters said that their collaboration with the laity was an integral part of their vocation and their mission. They consider that the presence of lay with them is vital to their congregation. We went from a place of "friendship" to our present place of "service". Now we are discovering that we have a "mission" to fulfill with them. And all happens well when we let go of our way of seeing or thinking and help the Sisters according to their needs, their expectations, their requests – all done in communal sharing and friendship.
Our moving force is the witness the sisters give to us; it supports our desire to help them. Sister Marie Victoire placed great emphasis on the unity of possibilities – working together, deciding together, acting together. It has set the tone for us now to do our part!
Overview of the Holy Mountain at La Salette in France |
All persons who wish to accompany the sisters and support us in this mission are welcome. Our mission is for Mary herself: “Make this message known to all my people.” As the Chapter of 2010 stated: With certainty, if we open ourselves to the Spirit – if God lives in us and we in him – we are called to “bear much fruit” (John 15:8).