Fr. Juju Abraham, M.S., Director of Anuranjana (which means “Reconciliation”) Counseling Center in Parakkadavu in Karala, IndiaI was born in Kadambode, Karala, in southern India. My father’s name is Abraham, a farmer, now deceased; my mother, Mercy, is a housewife. I have two siblings: Jini Roy, my sister and Jino, my brother. My family is a traditional Syrian Catholic family and our faith is central to our life. In fact, my uncle is Bishop Kurian Valiakandathil of Diocese of Bhagalpur, in northern India;
When I was in secondary school, I had decided to become a priest and received a vocational leaflet about the LS Congregation and was interested because it was Marian-centered. Soon I applied to enter and was accepted into the La Salette Seminary in Parakkadavu, about 20 miles away from my home.
After an orientation year, I entered Philosophy in Suvidya College, as a seminarian of the La Salette Matha Province of India. After completing Novitiate in Mysore, I took theology in Goa, southwest India. I was ordained on Feb. 4, 2010, and began my ministry in Karala as an Associate Vicar in St. Mary’s Church in Thariode.
I went for higher studies in Theology and received my Licentiate in Theology (STL) and then received my Masters Degree in Psychology and Family Counseling. I feel that psychology is a most relevant area in which to minister, reaching out to those who are their finding relationships quite challenging. Also this is an area of reconciliation much needed in our country.
My last three years I have been concentrating on pastoral ministry in youth-orientated faith programs.
In the diocese, I am now assisting in the Marriage Preparation Program and in giving retreats in various parishes. I am also the director of our Anuranjana
(which means “Reconciliation”) Counseling Center in Parakkadavu which supports the other programs in which I am involved.
This ministry helps me in my own personal growth. Like Mary at La Salette, through this ministry I reach out to people in need. When people come to me for counseling, I share the healing ministry of Jesus, helping them to resolve their problems or concerns.
My motivation in my multi-faceted ministry comes from Mary’s mandate to make her message known to all her people and from our charism of reconciliation. Remembering Mary’s gentle compassion for the two children, I often feel the intense presence and love of God in reaching out to those I serve.