Read more La Salette Spirituality is Ecclesial and Missionary
Editor: In this second of three articles, Fr. Charles Novel, M.S. (1912-1980), a true man of letters, with a Doctorate in Theology and in Sacred Scripture, reflects on a total of six major characteristics of the La Salette spirituality
Holy Trinity by Lucas Cranach the Elder (1472-1553), on lime wall, Leipzig, Germany; photo:'s actual, contemporary role in the reconciliation of sinners relates us, therefore, to a wider vision of faith: the charismatic insight on the History of our Reconciliation. This insight presupposes a profound knowledge of our Reconciliation's inner reality; it requires the kind of light that only biblical, patristic and theological studies can shed.
The La Salette viewpoint on Salvation History hinges on God's salvific plan of Love as described by Saint Paul in the first chapter of his letter to the Ephesians: the Father’s plan of salvation; fulfillment through Christ; inheritance through the Spirit.
Our spirituality is therefore God-centered: our primary concern is to seek God's glory. Living human beings are the glory of God, said St. Irenaeus. In our perspective, the glory of God is the reconciliation of that living human being; it is our own reconciliation and that of all our sisters and brothers. And this reconciliation is authored by God—Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
By the same token, Mary asks us to really care about humanity, to concern ourselves with what one could call theological anthropology. She wants us to delve into the heart of humanity whom God has created and destined to divine sonship; we are to gauge the horrendous enormity of humanity's rebellious refusal of God's love; we are asked to look with pity upon humanity's misery and downfall and to see it for what it is: the wages of sin.
Close to the Virgin Reconciler, we become conscious of our sinful state; we grow hungry for peace; we feel the pangs of a desire to be united once again with God in the bonds of religion.Read more La Salette Spirituality is God-centered and Paschal